Summer Enrichment DayCamp 2013

We normally suspend our regular weekly activities during the summer, to participate in summer camps and to spend time planning the next year.  This year we decided to continue our weekly meetings, but to make them a little extra fun!  Our weekly summer “Enrichment DayCamp" had an emphasis on fun, educational activities such as art, dance, and drama— an exposure to activities not normally available to them.  We also partnered with South Georgia Regional Library’s summer reading program!!
(Scroll Down For Pictures!!)

We had volunteers teach Science, where the kids blew up Ivory Soap in the microwave one day, and made bread AND butter on another.

In Music and Movement, the kids sang and danced until they were exhausted...and so was their teacher!

In drama….oh, the drama!  The kids had so much fun in drama, where they were able to act on a REAL stage.  They practiced their lines and learned two skits, as well as learning the meaning of “stage left” and other terms.

In Art, they created some absolute masterpieces.  Every piece was unique and many were profound expressions of color and beauty.

Home Depot and Lowe’s donated supplies for Construction, where the kids not only had fun building, hammering, and painting their creations, but learned how to read diagrams and follow step-by-step instructions.

In dance class the girls learned wonderful dance to praise and worship God.  They worked hard to learn the routines, and the results are beautiful.

In sports they had great fun, got really sweaty, and learned important lessons in teamwork, strategy, and problem solving.

And in each class, other volunteer read books to the group and tutored individual children in reading.  Altogether, the kids read over 150 books in 3 Tuesdays!  WOW!!!

Since we have never done anything like this in the 13 years of ministry, our Day Camp was an experiment; and we have decided that it was a HUGE SUCCESS!!!

Our DayCamp was definitely a prime example of the verses in Ephesians 4, that every joint supplies a need.  A large group of wonderful volunteers worked together to provide our kids with an amazing experience that they would not have had otherwise.

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  1. Awesome idea. Look what people can do when they all work together.

  2. love this! hope you guys plan to do it again next summer!!


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