A First!

Last week I had the priviledge of being invited to a first for His Hands- a wedding! 
I've attended many funerals.  Funerals for mamas, grandmothers, even children.  But never, before now, a wedding!
Kim's children have been attending Bible Club for a couple years.  She's a hardworking mom who has gone from being homeless to living in the projects to having a little house on a relatively quiet street.  I've always been impressed with her boyfriend, Ellis.  He is softspoken and seems kind.  When they lived in the projects, he would wait outside next to the curb for the children to come home from Bible Club so that he could walk them into the apartment.
Last week, Ellis walked out the van after I dropped the kids off and shyly announced the news: "Mrs. Mary, me and Kim's gettin' married on Friday." 
"Congratualtions!" I cheered as I shook his hand.  He just beamed.  "I want to come!"  He beamed more.
So I went to the courthouse, in the rain, and of course, I took my camera.


  1. Great pictures. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God bless, Lloyd


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